Kathmandu. Every couple wants to provide satisfaction during intercourse. But many people suffer from serious problems like premature ejaculation.

Today we are going to discuss how to make sex longer. Every person should be in good physical and mental condition to have sex properly for a long time.

If there is rapid breathing during intercourse, rapid ejaculation occurs. At that time, the more excited the mind is, the faster the ejaculation occurs. For such problems, it is beneficial to exercise for some time before intercourse. Exercising gives satisfaction and can last for a long time.

To increase sexual power, the amount of heat in the body should be increased. The problem of premature ejaculation can be diagnosed by increasing the amount of heat. You can get sexual pleasure by having sex for a long time. On the other hand, 5 to 6 cloves of garlic should be made into small pieces, mixed with honey and kept in a bag for 1 week.

After 7 days, honey and garlic dissolved in the morning on an empty stomach will have unexpected benefits. What should be taken care of is that it should be consumed according to the amount of heat that can be digested by the body. 2 hours after eating, the sexual power starts to increase and the size of the penis also increases.

There are very few people who do not masturbate after a certain age. Some masturbate when they are excited and some even when they are lazy. Masturbating has no physical effects. But if you do it too much, masturbation becomes a cause of mental problems. Getting addicted to masturbation is not good.

Many people have a rush to ejaculate while masturbating. If you get addicted to masturbating like that, you will remember that while you are having sex and you will start to ejaculate earlier.

That’s why masturbation can be done slowly and with pleasure. If premature ejaculation is very fast, keep raisins in honey for 2 days and eat them on an empty stomach. Doing so will thicken the semen and also take some time to ejaculate.

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